Social Energy Renovations
Social Energy Renovations
Fostering Sustainable Renovations in the Third Sector
Thursday, October 28th 2021 l 15:00-16:30 CEST
Target audience
European projects centred on energy efficiency, ESCOs, financial institutions and investors, market experts, third sector entities or property owners, policy makers, local authorities, utilities, energy agencies, think tanks, and other stakeholders involved the renovation sector.
In light of the ambitious target set by the European Commission to make the EU the first carbon neutral continent by 2050, this event will serve as a platform to exchange lessons learnt and best practices supporting the uptake of sustainable and energy efficient measures in Europe’s social and non-profit sectors. By bringing together different stakeholders, we hope to jointly reflect on how the roll-out of renovation advice and support services can drive the decarbonisation of the built environment and facilitate substantial increases in renovation uptake amongst the third sector.
The event will begin with a series of short, thought-provoking statements from leaders in energy efficiency including:
1) Bjoern Zapfel, Project Officer at CINEA, speaking about the role that the third sector can play in decarbonising the built environment
2) Alessandro Federici, ENEA’s Energy Efficiency Department, presenting the needs and market opportunity for renovation of the Italian third sector, with an overview of challenges and solutions to renovation barriers.
3) Daniel Sorrosal, Secretary General of FEBEA, will provide the ethical finance perspective of financing renovations within the third sector, and will speak on general financing trends within the Italian and European social economies.
4) Fabio Gerosa, President of Fratello Sole, will discuss the complexity of financing energy efficient renovations in the third sector.
Following these interventions, discussions will be held amongst all participants as well as within breakout sessions to facilitate an exchange of knowledge to advance the EU Renovation Wave. Conclusions from these sessions will be presented, and closing statements will follow. Those who would like to continue exchanging ideas and networking are invited to do so at the end.
15:00 – Introduction of session by moderator & icebreaker
15:10 – Key statements from industry experts
15:30 – Q&A about statements
15:45 – Breakout sessions: Guided conversations on best practices, success stories, needs, and market opportunities for green buildings
16:15 – End of breakout sessions and short reporting of their outcomes
16:25 – Final conclusions and time for networking
16:30 – End of session
Copyright © 2024 - Social Energy Renovations Project
The SER project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101024254. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with its authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither CINEA nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.